Following are several ways to make your marriage strong and give it the best chance of lasting a lifetime.
Healthy Marriage Relationship, Cant Wait To Get Home

Two people in a healthy relationship experience less stress and are more capable of handling a stressful situation when one comes along. Know why? Because they have backup, that's why. They have someone who supports them in every way. When they zig, the other zigs along with, it's just that simple.
Effective communication makes for a good relationship. It reinforces trust and mutual respect. Another attribute of a sound relationship is flexibility when it counts. In other words, you'll make yourself available to your partner even when it is not the most convenient time. If you have these things in your relationship then you probably treat each other as equals and do not experience too many heated arguments.
Should you expect your spouse to do something you would not do? No! A healthy relationship is a two way street. So, do not expect more from your spouse than you are willing to give of yourself.
Communication along with emotional intimacy is a key factor in any relationship. This is the basis for maintaining a healthy bond between the two of you. If you talk about your thoughts (who, what, why and where) then surprises will be limited and not one or the other will get blindsided. If a problem does come up that is difficult to talk about, find the courage to talk and sort it out.
Part of good communication skills is the ability to listen. Have the courtesy to remain silent when your spouse is talking, do not interrupt and do not try to fix it right away. When a fix is needed then figure it out together. Remain loyal partners at all times.
Disagreements happen. No one is perfect. Handling them with dignity and grace is important. Do not attack your spouse but do not be a doormat either. If you have done something wrong apologize and then work together to learn how to get past it. Having the ability to forgive and forget also is key to keeping a relationship healthy. Do not under any circumstances throw stuff back in each other's faces. If you gave forgiveness once then let it go and move on.
Show love and genuine concern for your spouse. Be there for each other to lean on. I have found that a healthy relationship does not mean that each of you is strong at all times. When one of you isn't then the other one must be and vise versa. This is what committing your self to another person is all about.
Plainly speaking, faithfulness is a major part of having a good relationship. If you have committed yourself to someone have enough respect for yourself and your spouse to remain faithful and do not go pimping about with someone else. This is the worst thing you could do in any relationship and one of the more common reasons why relationships fail. This is what a healthy marriage relationship is about.
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